AIPLAB — Adaptive & Integrated Photonics Lab

Education - PHOT 301 Quantum Photonics

PHOT 301 Quantum Photonics

Course to be given during the fall semester of 2024-2025 over 14 weeks (2 hours theory + 2 hours practice), please see also the syllabus. The course materials will be added during the semester.

Study materials and guidance

  • Course syllabus (pdf)
  • David Miller's webpage containing links to his course materials. We are using his textbook on Quantum Mechanics (together with Griffith's) within our course.
  • QuVis: Web site with quantum mechanics visualizations and simulations for educational purposes.
  • QuTiP: A computational library for quantum mechanics/optics simulations in Python.
  • Applet(s) by Paul Falstad with simulations for 1D quantum mechanical systems.

Further background materials

These are some further materials which could be of interest for those who want to look into applications/computations/simulations.
  • Psi4: a Python library for computational quantum chemistry and DFT, with quite some educational material as well.
  • Course on computational chemistry with Python: This course provides a nice overview of using Python for scientific computations with excellent beginner-level tutorials. And you learn (or at least I learned) some chemistry as well.
  • Course on applied Quantum Mechanics by Erik Koch given at the German Research School for Simulation Sciences and RWTH Aachen University. A Master level course on simulations in Quantum mechanics.