I have received my PhD about code construction on modular curves from Bilkent University in mathematics in 2003
My advisor was Prof. Alexander Klyachko
I also worked under the supervision of Prof. Serge Vlăduţ at IML (Institut de Mathématiques de Luminy) in 2001-2002 during my PhD study.
I have been affiliated with TUBITAK BILGEM UEKAE since 2000. I have been studying cryptography.
I accomplished several delegacy missions: AB COST actions MC Memberships; AB FP-IST expertise; Springer CCIS Series editorship; NATO SfP ISEG and ICS panelist; OECD “Global Science Forum Math in Industry” Turkish delegacy...
I have been running regularly since 2001 and I strongly recommend you to run also unless your doctor says you shouldn't!
Here is my CV