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Personal Information

Personal Information
B.Sc : Ege University, Mathematics Department , 1994-1998
M.Sc.: Ege University, Mathematics Department , 1999-2002.
Phd: Gebze Institute of Tech., Mathematics Department 2005-2013
Committee: Prof.Dr.Vasfi ELDEM (advisor)
Prof.Dr.A.Bulent Ozguler - Prof.Dr.Erkan Zergeroglu

Post Doc : Prof Daniel Liberzon & Prof. Tamer Basar, 2014 -2015
Research Associate at Coordinated Science Laboratory
Decision and Control Research Group
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Associate professor: By Interuniversity Board Presidency of Turkiye  (Üniversitelerarası Kurul Başkanlığı-UAK) 23/02/2024

M.Sc.: Derivations in rings and prime rings (Algebra and Number Theory)
Phd: Control Theory, Stability of Bimodal systems in R3 (Applied Math.)

Academic Career
Research Ass. ,Ege University , Science Faculty Mathematics Dep. 12.1999 / 02.2002
Research Ass. ,Gebze Institute of Technology,Science Faculty Mathematics Dep. 02.2006 / 02.2007
Instructor: Izmir Inst. of Techn. 2010-
Reviewer: AMS MathSciNet, IFAC & CDC Conferences, Automatica, Systems and Control Letters, European Journal of Control, IEEE Control Systems Letters.
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