PHOT 110: Introduction to programming


Michaël Barbier, Spring semester (2023-2024)

Python basics & syntax

Towards Python implementations

Towards Python implementations

Towards Python implementations

Python program structure

A Python script is a sequence of statements (algorithm steps), and definitions (functions, classes, …)

  • Definitions are evaluated
  • Statements are executed

Executing a program:

  • Execute statements one by one in the Python Console
  • Statements stored as a sequence in a script file

The Python console

Execute statements one by one in the Python Console

>>> print(6)
>>> a = 10

Useful for:

  • quick calculations
  • testing the working of commands

Python scripts

Statements stored in a script file

a = 10
b = 25
prod = a * b
print(f"{a} times {b} = {prod}")
10 times 25 = 250

Useful for:

  • running a program multiple times
  • incorrect lines can easily be found and corrected
  • larger programs

Data objects

  • In Python everything is a data object: numbers, text, functions, class instances, etc.
  • Statements perform actions on data objects

Data objects can be scalar:

Type Description (Example) values
bool Boolean value True, False
int Integer numbers .. , -2, -1, 0, -1, -2, ..
float Floating point 3.56, 23e-3, 0.0079
NoneType Indicates no object None

Object type

  • Every object has a type
<class 'float'>
  • Possible to convert between certain types: type casting
it_is_raining = True
an_integer = int(it_is_raining)
<class 'bool'>
<class 'int'>

Object type

  • automatic type casting in some cases
    float <= int * float
    float <= int + float
    float <= int / int
a = 4
b = 0.357
print( f"Type of (a * b) = {type(a * b)}" )
print( f"Type of (a / b) = {type(a / b)}" )
print( f"Type of (a + b) = {type(a + b)}" )
print( f"Type of (a / 25) = {type(a / 25)}" )
Type of (a * b) = <class 'float'>
Type of (a / b) = <class 'float'>
Type of (a + b) = <class 'float'>
Type of (a / 25) = <class 'float'>


A variable is a name bound to an object:

  • the object is assigned to the variable
  • In pseudo code indicated by \(\leftarrow\)

In python assignment operator is the “=” sign:

a_variable_name = 4.5

The variable can be re-assigned another value or object:

v = 4
v = v + 2                         # v becomes 6
v = "Now v is assigned text"      # v has type str

Expressions & Operators

Objects can be combined by operators in expressions
Most used arithmetic operators:

symbol description example
** Power 3**2 = 9
/ Division 5 / 4 = 1.25
* Multiplication 3 * 4 = 12
+ Addition 5 + 7 = 12
- Subtraction 6 - 9 = -3
% modulo 34 % 6 = 4

Expressions & Operators

Most used logic operators:

symbol description example
<, > smaller/larger than 5 > 4 \(\rightarrow\) True
== is equal to 3 == 6 \(\rightarrow\) False
<=, >= smaller/larger or equal 5 <= 5 \(\rightarrow\) True
and boolean AND True and False \(\rightarrow\) False
or boolean OR True or False \(\rightarrow\) True
not boolean NOT not True \(\rightarrow\) False


An expression can be built with following rules:

  • <expression> \(\overset{def}{=}\) <object> (an object is an expression)
  • <expression> \(\overset{def}{=}\) <operator> <expression>
  • <expression> \(\overset{def}{=}\) <expression> <operator> <expression>

Expressions result into values and can be assigned to variables:

x = 4
y = 2*x**2 + 3*x - 5
print(f"The value of y = {y}")
The value of y = 39

Operator precedence and brackets

Precedence of operators is similar to mathematics.
List of precedence of operators can be found on the website:

Round brackets can be used to give priority

x = 2
y = (12 - x) / 10 
print(f"The value of y = {y}")
The value of y = 1.0

Text objects

Text objects are called strings: the type is str A string is defined by using single or double quotes:

"This is a string, single 'quotes' can be used here"
'Here we can use double "quotes" inside it'

Strings can also cover multiple lines, for that we use triple quotes:

""" This string runs over multiple lines.
Another line starts here.
And another one.

Also triple single quotes work as well.

Operators working on text objects

Appending one string to another with the “+” operator:

a_verb = "flies"
print("The balloon" + a_verb)
print("The balloon" + " " + a_verb)
The balloonflies
The balloon flies

Multiplying strings:

print(5 * "balloon ")
balloon balloon balloon balloon balloon 

Casting a string to a number and vice versa:

print(5 * int("100"))
print(10 * str(50))

Formatting strings and numbers

A formatted string is a string with prefix f or F:

the_radius = 25
formatted_str = f"A circle with radius {the_radius} m"
A circle with radius 25 m

More complex formatting:

a = 1/6; b = 0.0145; c = 23e-6
print(f"The product {a} x {b} = {a * b}")
# Use format {variable:No_space.No_sign_digits}
print(f"{a:8.2} x {b:8.2} = {a * b:8.2}")
print(f"{a:8.2} x {c:8.2} = {a * c:8.2}")
The product 0.16666666666666666 x 0.0145 = 0.002416666666666667
    0.17 x    0.015 =   0.0024
    0.17 x  2.3e-05 =  3.8e-06

Python reserved words or keywords

  • A list of words reserved for Python
  • You cannot name variables (or functions/classes) similar
# List of keywords can be found in the keyword package
import keyword

['False', 'None', 'True', 'and', 'as', 'assert', 'async', 'await', 'break', 'class', 'continue', 'def', 'del', 'elif', 'else', 'except', 'finally', 'for', 'from', 'global', 'if', 'import', 'in', 'is', 'lambda', 'nonlocal', 'not', 'or', 'pass', 'raise', 'return', 'try', 'while', 'with', 'yield']

input & output (not in interactive mode)

  • input() can be used to ask user text input
  • print() can be used to output text
# parameters
pizza_price = 200
extra_cheese_price = 20

# input accepts a string parameter
n_pizza = input("How many pizza's do you want: ")
extra_cheese = input("""Do you want extra cheese?\n 
    For yes press [1]\n
    For no press [0]\n
Enter your choice""")

# Output to the user
print("Total cost: {int(n_pizza * (pizza_price + extra_cheese)}")


  • Is the amount of space preceding statements
  • Indentation should be the same within a code block
  • Spaces and Tabs are different
  • Following code will give an IndentationError: unexpected indent
a = 4
b = 2
 c = 3
y = a * (b + c)
IndentationError: unexpected indent (, line 3)

Import statements

Python packages can be imported in multiple ways

# import the package with its name
import math

area = 3**2 * math.pi
print(f"Area of a circle with radius 3 = {area}")

# import functions of the package separately
from math import sin, cos, pi, sqrt

angle = 23/180*pi
formula = sqrt(2/3) * sin(angle) + cos(angle)

# import packages or functions and rename them
from math import sqrt as sr

print(f"The square root of 2 = {sr(2)}")

Tidy and Documented code

Tidy Writing style

  • Writing readable code
  • Clear and not too long variable names
  • Use spaces in a consistent manner
  • Use a Python code formatter such as Black:
  • Document code both with comments and docstrings

Comment lines

  • Text of a line after a hash symbol is ignored
  • The hash symbol can be in the beginning of the line:
# A comment on a single line

Comments can explain the next line of code

# Convert Matlab-indices to zero-based
ind = m_index - 1

Or the comment can start after a statement

y = 12 + x  # An inline comment: #-symbol after 2 spaces

Multi-line comments

Multi-line strings can be used as comments, but

  • they are not meant as comments (not ignored)
  • they can become docstrings (documentation-strings)

This multi-line string is not assigned to a 
variable, therefore doesn't influence your code directly

Docstrings consist of multi-line strings
but always use triple double quotes.


  • Docstrings are multi-line strings providing documentation
  • They populate the __doc__ variable
  • The help() function uses the __doc__ variable
import math
This module provides access to the mathematical functions
defined by the C standard.


  • Docstrings are multi-line strings providing documentation
  • They populate the __doc__ variable
  • The help() function uses the __doc__ variable
import math
Help on built-in function sin in module math:

sin(x, /)
    Return the sine of x (measured in radians).
  • We will revisit Docstrings for functions and classes later

Program Errors

Different error-types

Different types of errors can be encountered

  • Syntax errors: code inconsistent with the Python language, the code will not run (i.e. not start).
  • Runtime errors: exceptions occurring while the program runs, the code will crash.
  • Semantic errors: the code does not what was intended

Syntax error examples

  • Usage of unknown identifiers (variable, function, class)
positive_number = uint(45)
NameError: name 'uint' is not defined
  • Misaligned indentation
a = 34
 b = 5
print(f"The sum is {a+b}")
IndentationError: unexpected indent (, line 2)
  • Mistaken symbol “:” instead of “;”
a = 3: b = 5
SyntaxError: invalid syntax (, line 1)

Runtime error examples

  • Division by zero
fraction = 1 / 0
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
  • Type mismatch
netto_price = 230.50
kdv_ratio = 0.21
print("Price: " + netto_price + " + " + kdv_ratio + " kdv")
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "float") to str

Summary of Python basics

  • Structure of a program in Python
    • Statements, expressions
  • Python syntax
    • Known words
    • Proper indentation
  • Commenting code
  • Error types: Syntax, Runtime, and logical errors

Scientific algorithm: an example

Trajectory of a ball

  • Gravitation: \(g=9.81\) m/s\(^2\)
  • Air resistance: ignore for a slow heavy ball
  • horizontal velocity is constant

How to compute the trajectory ?

The trajectory is a parabola (no air):

\[ \begin{aligned} x &= x_0 + v_{x,0} t\\ y &= y_0 + v_{y,0} t - \frac{1}{2}g t^2 \end{aligned} \] The ball will hit the ground at time \(t_e\):

\[ t_{e,\pm} = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a} = \frac{v_{y,0} \mp \sqrt{v_{y,0}^2+2gy_0}}{g} \]

Time that the ball hits the ground

# Loading packages for sin, cos, pi, sqrt
import math

# Parameters of the trajectory
y0 = 1.20; x0 = 0
v0 = 8
alpha0 = 37 * (math.pi / 180)  # Angle 
g = 9.81

# compute the time that the ball will hit the ground
vy0 = v0 * math.sin(alpha0) 
vx0 = v0 * math.cos(alpha0) 
te = (vy0 + math.sqrt(vy0**2 + 2*g*y0)) / g

print(f"The ball falls at time: {te} s")
The ball falls at time: 1.1875623706903884 s

How to compute the trajectory ?

The trajectory is a parabola (no air):

\[ \begin{aligned} x &= x_0 + v_{x,0} t\\ y &= y_0 + v_{y,0} t - \frac{1}{2}g t^2 \end{aligned} \]

The equation for the parabola can be found by substitution. If \(x_0 = 0\) then \(t = x/v_{x,0} = x / (v_0 \cos(\alpha))\) and we obtain:

\[ y = y_0 + \tan(\alpha) \, x - \frac{1}{2}\frac{g\, x^2}{v_0^2\cos^2(\alpha)} \]

How far can we throw the ball ?

Let’s start from the equation of the parabola:

\[ y = y_0 + \tan(\alpha) \, x - \frac{1}{2}\frac{g\, x^2}{v_0^2\cos^2(\alpha)} \]

When solving this quadratic equation for \(x\) we find:

\[ x_{e,\pm} = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a} = \frac{\tan\alpha \mp \sqrt{\tan^2\alpha+2gy_0/(v_0\cos\alpha)^2}}{g / (v_0 \cos\alpha)^2} \] Where the largest root is the throwing distance.

How far can we throw the ball ?

# Loading packages for sin, cos, pi, sqrt
from math import sin, cos, pi, sqrt, tan

# Parameters of the trajectory
y0 = 1.20; x0 = 0
v0 = 8
alpha0 = 37 * (pi / 180)  # Angle in radians 
g = 9.81

# compute the time that the ball will hit the ground
vy0 = v0 * sin(alpha0) 
vx0 = v0 * cos(alpha0) 
xe_num = (tan(alpha0) + sqrt(tan(alpha0)**2 + 2*g*y0 / (v0*cos(alpha0))**2))
xe_den = (g / (v0 * cos(alpha0))**2)
xe = xe_num / xe_den

print(f"The ball falls at x: {xe} m")
The ball falls at x: 7.587435837034325 m

Trajectory of a ball

# Loading packages for plotting and numeric calc.
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Computing x and y coordinates for the trajectory
ts = np.linspace(0, te, 10)
xs = vx0 * ts
ys = y0 + (vy0 * ts) - (g*ts**2)/2

# Plotting the trajectory of the ball
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 20})
plt.plot(xs, ys, "-", color="red")
plt.plot(xs, ys, ".", color="blue")
ax = plt.gca()
ax.set_xlabel("x (in m)")
ax.set_ylabel("y (in m)")
ax.set_aspect('equal', 'box')

Trajectory of a ball