Kumite – Sparring


Kumite (say "koomeetay") is sparring training. There are several different ways to practice sparring in Karate. Only the most advanced students are allowed to practice free sparring. Other students usually only practice various drills to prepare them for free sparring training. There is one step, three step, and five step sparring. No one is intentionally hit during sparring practice in Shotokan Karate. Some Karate players with more experience will touch their opponents with their techniques, but no pain is involved. Junior Karate practitioners usually pull their strikes short of contact for safety reasons. Some people acquire bruises on their shins and forearms during their first few lessons of Karate sparring. Shortly, the bruising goes away, and the forearms have been strengthened to withstand blocking techniques from larger, stronger people.

From [http://www.rrskc.com/Training.htm]